We welcome you to our services, and as pastor/teacher, we don't
merely grandstand throughout the worship experience, but collectively
participate toward a right conclusion in reasoning and wrestling in the
word of truth. We as the body of Christ seeks the revealed truth to be
found in God's word, and from there, we further look towards practical
application of the word in and throughout our daily living.
Our task is to be true Disciples of Christ, which entails: denying
ourselves; daily taking up our cross and following Him. By the way, the
cross always lead to Calvary! Herein, Paul said, I die daily" Who do
we die to, self and self-centeredness, for, it can no longer be about me,
but, it must all be all about Christ-in-us, the hope of glory.

Sunday School | 8 AM - 9 AM
Worship Service | 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Night Service | 7 PM - 9 PM
On Sunday, as our devotional leaders take hold of the Spirit towards,
and allow God to have his way in the service's direction in the sanctification of our hearts, even as we're already sanctified in him; we with joyous praise lift up our hearts and hands to him in humble adoration of Him! Yes, we pray with sincere hearts before him and feel the move of God in us!
Hello All,
Our parents, being encouraged by the Pastor, set their sights on
speaking proper English in this new country which gives us access to new opportunities. Such advancement they could only dream of in Haiti, but in America, we turn visions into reality, therefore we're determined to master the language! We take ESOL classes wherever offered, especially at Lindsey Hopkins Adult Educational Center.

We schedule our Members Home Prayer sessions according to our members ability to attend such services from house to house just as they did it in the book of Acts of the apostles! Without exaggeration, it continues to be a rewarding experience that richly deeps our spiritual walk and fellowship in the LORD. Our motto is, to show that we have fellowship with God, we do so by having fellowship with one another!
FASTING | 9 AM - 12 PM
On Thursday, we traditionally turn our plates down for a half-day fast (due to some of the older members' health, we decided on the half-day). Herein, is our opportunity to draw closer to Him, giving Him access to draw even closer to us. We walk away from the experience being more sensitive to his will, walk and way for our lives.

We welcome you to our Friday Night's Bible Study, where the word of God makes Himself both relevant and current in our lives. He probes and presents a viable solution to lift you up out of the valley of despair to the mountaintop of peace and ecstasy, that's only to be found in Him through His word, which has spirit and life. We invite you and yours to come, taste and see that the LORD is good.