Our Worship
We welcome you to our services, and as pastor/teacher, we don't merely grandstand throughout the worship experience, but collectively participate toward a right conclusion in reasoning and wrestling in the word of truth. We as the body of Christ seeks the revealed truth to be found in God's word, and from there, we further look towards practical application of the word in and throughout our daily living.

Here, as a member, this inanimate thing call faith becomes the centerpiece on our table of worship to God; for, without faith it's impossible to please God; without faith it's impossible to be a sweet odor of sacrifice; without faith we cannot be called, nor come to HIM. Without FAITH, we just find ourselves going through the motions of an empty worship experience; lively on the outside, but dead on the inside. So, our charge to keep before God and man is, you show me your faith without works and I'll show you my faith by my works!