Teen Drug Use
Under Pastor Pasteurin,
He personally conducts a drug usage ministry; it becomes his duty to instruct, his duty to school, prime and teach. He believes that we're faced with a plethora of opportunities, which can prove to be encouraging towards kingdom building breaks, plays, and passes for our youth. He teaches us Faith over everything, BE FEARLESS! His motto is Fear not those who can kill you and drop your body into a bag; don't fear their power, but fear him after they drop your body into a bag, he can drop your soul into hell, I say unto you, Him fear!
It has been said by them of old that if you miss heaven and make hell, it's your parent's fault, but I say unto you, not so, it's Your Fault!
31% of our youth; between 12-17, have already used marijuana;
70% have already taken a drink;
54% have already smoked a cigarette;
24,000 to 27,000 have been in fatalities;
708,000 have already suffered injuries;
188,000 have been to the hospital;
1,224,000 have damaged someone's property;
2 million have been in an accident, all because they did not work their faith.

High School Ministry
Every nine seconds in America a student become a dropout. Their
socioeconomic status becomes severely crippled. Yes, it’s true because of various hardship some might dropout, but for many, the long-standing process of the educational system produces a disenfranchised and alienated student. We here at our church invest in our youth to help them understand the difficulties of growing up!
By the time our children reach 8th grade, many have become too
disillusioned to continue and with the great Tsunami of problems
facing them on a daily basis; they have no fight left in them to
continue to swim like a salmon up the stream! Our ministry is design to turn the tide towards a more positive outcome for our students!

Street Ministry
Here at Eglise Evangelique DePeleri Pilgrim Center , Our faith is alive, well and visibly seen throughout the community in
the Greater Miami area. We'll show you our faith by our works, because faith without works is dead! Our church, being led by the pastors, take to the streets every third
month within the calendar year! There, we meet, we walk, we welcome, singing praises to God and in doing so, we're giving HIM Glory! We publicly Praise, Pray and Preach the Gospel of Peace
speaking glad tidings of good things; that my friend is the gospel and
not gossip!

Yard Sale
8 am-6:00 pm
You are invited to our yard sale. Contact us for more details or if you have items to donate.

Reveil Moisson
To 03-29-2020
7 pm - 9:45 pm
Due to the Coronavirus The Revival has been cancelled.
please be safe!