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Latest News & Event Information


We welcome you to our services, and as pastor/teacher, we don't merely grandstand throughout the worship experience, but collectively participate toward a right conclusion in reasoning and wrestling in the word of truth. We as the body of Christ seeks the revealed truth to be found in God's word, and from there, we further look towards practical application of the word in and throughout our daily living.


Our task is to be true Disciples of Christ, which entails: denying ourselves; daily taking up our cross and following Him. By the way, the cross always lead to Calvary! Herein, Paul said, "I die daily." Who do we die to, self and self-centeredness, for, it can no longer be about me, but, it must all be all about Christ-in-us, the hope of glory.

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Our Mission is, first, Christ-centered and lastly, person-centered: primarily, Christ-centered,

because He's both the center and circumference of our lives; all that we are, and all that we hope to be will be found in Him; we establish and conclude this great work, one soul-at-a-time! Finally, the mission of Christ throughout all ages, young and old; male and female; sinners and saints. God's calling for our life is spiritually

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Here at Eglise Evangelique De Peleri Pilgrim Center , we believe in family, because we know that family is the strength and crater of
civilization. Therefore, we have to nurture and care for its wellness. Nevertheless, Jesus said, "without me, you can do nothing." We help
you to see how members of the household matters in and throughout
the family, for their roles are clearly defined.

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Our staff, who serve in various ministers, do so with a spirit of kindness in their labor of love, even, as they've received from the Lord, they continue to pass the gift forward to



Rev. James N. Pasteurin

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We encourage both youth and seniors alike to discover and utilize their God-give gifts and talents in their commitment to the will of God, and that being, glorifying him in all things through Christ Jesus our Lord! 

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